Beautiful weather, sunshine and great mood during the 12th edition of the Vans Shopt Riot in Martigny.
The event was a huge success with 60 rides across Switzerland and many other people which joined and supported the Vans Shop Riot!
Date: 13 august 2022
Location: Skatepark Martigny
1. Skate.ch / Bern Jan Hirt, Ramon Notz, Noël Schärer
2. The Joker Shop / Lugano Tomaso Sereno, Luciano Stamerra, Pietro Ferrari
3. Skate.ch / East Fabio Martin, Simon Stricker, Adrian Posch
4. 242 Shop / Geneve Luc Boimont, Simon Perret, Sven Kilchenmann
5. Pulp 68 / Geneve Jigdral Drakmargyapon, Fabrice Joye, Yannick Vieira Assmann
6. Levitation / Martigny Germain Lugon, Noe Granges, Jean Monnet
Best Trick: Jan Hirt (krooked flip out)
Death Race: Luciano Stamerra
Many thanks to all which supported this event!
See you next year and take care!
©Josh Keminaire